Times flies when you're having fun and we are most definitely having fun in Baby Music of Abilene classes. Tuesday morning class is mostly grandmothers and grandchildren, sometimes Moms, sometimes great-grandmothers, friends, uncles, and observers and guests. Thursday evening class has three charming young men and Miss K with her flower headbands. Both classes are delightful. Last week I noticed several significant changes:
- more participation and initiation of motions from Miss B
- calm participation and demonstration of language understanding from Miss K
- looseness in wrists and arms when using mallets from everyone
- lots of giggles in listening for high/low pitches and singing familiar songs
- demonstration that listening to the CD at home definitely fosters security in repetition
- a preference for hearing Where is the Green Sheep? and Brown Bear at story time
- total silence as we held our shakers still and listened to the singer "talk" in the middle of Skip to my Lou. That was awesome listening!
We have a new helper on Tuesday mornings, who may also join us in some evening classes, Mrs. Joyce's violin student, Alex. She loves playing with all the babies, and her younger sisters also visited us and performed their violin recital pieces for us. Miss Caitlin will join us again for morning classes when her long term substitute job is finished in May and we are excited about that!
Miss Caitlin and Mrs Joyce had a booth at Baby Expo Saturday, May 21 and about 200 people passed by and received coupons for a free Baby Music class. We enjoyed showing the rain stick, lollipop drum, and scarves to visitors of all ages.