Contact Info

Social Media: Baby Music of Abilene, FaceBook
When: Every Thursday, 5:30 pm
Where: St. Paul United Methodist Church
Who: Parent & Child (birth-4 years)
Cost: First Class is FREE
Phone: 325.829.4440/ 325.668.3189

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Grandmother Bridge

Today in music class we had the Grandmothers make a scarf bridge while the little ones danced under and through it.  The Minuet played on the iPod dock and we all danced with our scarves. 

Some of us forgot to take our scarves with us under the bridge and others decided to take a little break.

Today I read The Carrot Seed and reminded each person of how a sprout of talent is growing as they water and weed at home.  I noticed some amazing "firsts" today as well:

  • K allowed me to assist her while her grandmother tended her little sister
  • Mr. A was very soft with the mallets for Falling Thirds. He also has an amazing sense of the order of activities in the class and anticipates them.
  • Miss A played up the scale on the glock with almost no assistance.
  • Miss B was very tired, and today was her birthday, but she became very interested in dancing and in helping to stack the drums.  
  • Baby P lit up like a light bulb with each activity with a mallet!

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